
We're more than just a recruitment platform

Empowering Futures, Connecting Talent: Beyond Recruitment

Welcome to the Hive, your trusted hiring ally. Our platform goes beyond data leverage and reach expansion; it’s about solving operational hiring and retention challenges seamlessly, all while maintaining a human-centered approach.
Think of Hive Powered Recruiting (HPR) as your personalized assistant, attuned to your needs, providing transparent reporting for effortless collaboration. Our team, made up of seasoned pros in Talent Acquisition and Management, gets the real struggles you face.
We’re not just building a platform; we’re cultivating a community. A space where everyone converges, shares insights, and shapes the future of talent acquisition and management. Join us in this human-centered revolution, where we empower futures and connect talent beyond recruitment.

Services that set us apart...

iSTRUT has many standout services that allow us to create more effective career advancing opportunities.

Holistic Talent Ecosystem

At iSTRUT, we cherish every role within the talent acquisition ecosystem, ensuring that the needs of our HIVE members are met equally and timely.

Human-Centered Approach

Amidst the rise of AI, iSTRUT champions a personalized and empathetic approach, delving into the genuine challenges our valued customers encounter. Our mission is to provide tailored solutions that empower each individual, transcending more recruitment.

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Industry Expertise

Our expertise spans across diverse industries and sectors. We craft customized solutions that precisely align with the unique demands of each vertical. Our unwavering commitment ensures Efficiency, Value, and Quality at every turn.

Synergy and Collaboration

iSTRUT integrates transparency and seamless collaboration through its Hive Powered Recruiting (HPR) platform and Professional Services (ProServe). This synergy empowers everyone alike, fostering an environment of community and shared success.

750 mil +

Candidate Profiles


Years of Talent Acquisition & Management Experience


Job Requisitions

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Our Core Values

Continually striving for a healthy hive...

  • Humility

    The HIVE mentality is central to our ideology. We believe we are in service to our customers, and therefore must work cooperatively to create great products. It is also important for us to be great corporate and global citizens seeing ourselves as a complement to this vast and diverse world in which we work and live. We are committed to respectfully and responsibly introducing the world to iSTRUT and inviting customer engagement, partnership, and employment to those with whom our shared values coincide, while respectfully acknowledging and appreciating others.

  • Hive

    We are a community of professionals who are passionate about the work we do and the impact we have on the world around us. Our commitment as “BUSY BEES” is to diligence while having fun; creating an environment where respect, recognition, and reliability serve as the earmarks of real relationship, not just “the place where I work.” We know we’re building something special and take great pride in the team with whom we share this journey.

  • Collaboration

    We work in partnership with our customers. In fact, we see our customers as partners, emphasizing communication, accountability, and reliability. The iSTRUT platform, workflow processes, and team are here as your partner resources. From defining your projects to navigating the road to completion, you’ll be supported with competency and care.

  • Inclusion

    Our HIVE philosophy is all about emphasizing the good we accomplish harmoniously working together. We focus on productivity and the compliment of our strengths benefiting all in the ecosystem. We believe we are stronger and more productive because of our diverse and inclusive culture, and better equipped to produce products that address the needs of a diverse community of customers and partners.

  • Excellence

    We consistently deliver the highest quality experience and products, while operating as a responsible global corporate citizen for the benefit of our customers, partners, and the communities we serve.

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What does "iSTRUT" stand for?

At the core of our mission lies an unwavering commitment; to empower you to “strut” confidently with your decisions.

All too often hiring processes, market dynamics, and business demands get misaligned leading to disruptive outcomes, hiring gaps, skyrocketing costs, and lagging productivity. Our name embodies functionality, resilience, and the diligent work ethic symbolized by our beloved bee mascot. Just like bees tirelessly contribute to their hive, we're here to support you every step of the way, fostering a sense of community and camaraderie.
With iSTRUT, it’s not just about navigating the job market or filling positions. It’s about making swift, decisive choices, unlocking potential, fostering cultural growth, and celebrating professional triumphs. Embrace this opportunity and let iSTRUT be your steadfast partner on the journey to limitless success.

Bee-come Part of Something Greater.