Join the HiveA Network for All

Meet the hive-powered platform that streamlines hiring processes, revolutionizes candidate experiences, and propels your team towards success, all in one integrated solution.

More than just a recruitment platform

Our products and services are crafted to deliver Efficiency, Value, and Quality, seamlessly integrating them into a single platform to enhance the overall user experience.


Accelerating Hiring

We streamline and expedite the hiring journey, bringing in valued, skilled, and culturally-fit candidates through our services and innovative Hive Powered Recruiting (HPR) platform.


Empowering the Hive Community

We empower people and teams in making the right decisions, improve operational efficiencies, and broaden their talent reach using optimized data intelligence.


Serving the Hive Ecosystem

We proactively and strategically enable our entire ecosystem, efficiently transforming their unique needs into tangible value, and consistently delivering exceptional quality experiences.


Humanizing the Experience

By embracing a personalized and empathetic approach to Talent Acquisition, we delve into the authentic challenges our valued customers face, enabling us to craft precise solutions that propel their success forward.

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    iSTRUT Hive Powered Recruiting (HPR) Overview

"Hive Powered Recruiting (HPR) is an innovative approach to talent acquisition that leverages the collective intelligence of a network or "hive" of recruiters, candidates, and hiring managers. It combines advanced technology such as machine learning and data analytics with human expertise to optimize the hiring process. HPR aims to enhance efficiency, increase collaboration, and improve the quality of hires by tapping into the collective knowledge and resources of the entire recruitment ecosystem."

- Aaron Ware, CEO -

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Your One-Stop-Shop

We are dedicated to simplifying your experience, prioritizing your individual business needs and leveraging our distinct value propositions that set us apart from the market.

  • Fill Vacancies Fast

    We aim to fill immediate vacancies timely with qualified, diverse and skilled candidates that fit your individual staffing needs.

  • Reduce Turnover 

    We help your business attract and retain the best talent.

  • Refined Recruitment Approach

    We handle recruitment and volume hiring for all levels and roles efficiently, reducing unnecessary costs and time.

  • Enriched Technology

    Revitalize and elevate your current ATS systems with our unmatched data insights, transforming them into a dynamic hub of precision and efficiency.

  • Personalized Solutions

    We uncompromisingly uphold quality in achieving your specific hiring objectives.

750 mil +

Candidate Profiles


Years of Talent Acquisition & Management Experience


Job Requisitions

Browse Our Services

We offer a variety of services that collectively aim to empower organizations in their talent acquisition and management endeavors, offering tailored solutions and strategic guidance to drive success.

Where You Fit in the Hive

Navigating the Workplace Ecosystem? Our tailored solutions cater to professionals from diverse backgrounds. Join our thriving ecosystem where candidates are championed, employers empowered, and partners collaborate for exceptional experiences.



We curate exceptional job seekers, connecting them with opportunities at the pinnacle of workplace excellence, where their professional careers can flourish and thrive.


Talent Architects 

Recruiters shape careers, connecting exceptional individuals with opportunities that ignite their professional journey. Our mission? To build thriving workforces, one placement at a time.



We give employers access to a wide range of features and tools designed to enhance their hiring efforts.



Partners are provided with opportunities to enhance their offerings and expand their reach in the talent acquisition space.

Bee-come Part of Something Greater.